Sunday 29 April 2012

Sweatshop List, are you surprised???

Here's a list of where sweatshops are undergone in order to fulfil our demands. Shoes and more spesifically athletic shoes are a very high factor relying on sweatshops to produce their high demand?

Does this surprise you in any way?
and are you willing to give up wearing your favourite shoes in order for equal rights?

even though some say yes verbally, in honesty i personally highly doubt many peoples words will lead to action... just an opinion.



  1. I agree, it's perfectly easy to SAY you'll do something. But I know that the next time I go shopping i'll be heading straight into Primark for a bargain.

    I don't know if it's the same for guys, but I think girls get a sort of shopping rush. It's a day out, it's fun, lots of endorphins, lets not put a damper on it by thinking of the people who had to make this who are starving half way around the world.
    It's kind of the same with things like Comic relief- sport relief, perfectly good causes, and I always give something, but when I'm enjoying the programme, the last thing I want is a video of starving children shoved in my face. Even though that's the whole point.

    It's weird, I think it's part of our ability to repress emotions, and not to think about things that we don't want to think about. Starving children = depressing, Comedy sketch = funny and uplifting so lets focus on that.

    Is it just me that has this warped brain? :S

    - Claire

  2. this is tragic. really good info to know though.

    do Primark still use sweatshops?
